Jon Norris

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Visual Diary #3: Hamburg - Ten Years Later

Explore Landscapes #39

It's 10 years (almost to the day) since we left Hamburg and moved to Southern California. This milestone had me reminiscing so I thought I'd share some images from Hamburg.

The Speicherstadt in Hamburg, Germany, is the largest warehouse district in the world, where the buildings stand on timber-pile foundations

This post is opportunistic. I underestimated how long I’d need to write the post that was due yesterday, and by happenstance today, I realized it’s been 10 years since we left Hamburg, Germany, and moved to the US.

So, I’m going to take this opportunity to share some of my favorite images from Hamburg, when I’d yet to fall in love with landscape photography and was happily shooting abstract and urban photographs.

Altona Street Art

Hamburg is the third largest port in Europe - and there are cranes everywhere along the River Elbe

Fill me up.

Bridge structural detail

One-way street?

Commemorating the height of the North Sea Floods in 1962 and 1999

Fishing for Geometry

Fischmarkt / Fish Market Wall

Visiting Onkel (Uncle) Otto

Bricks and Mortar

Exponential Curve

Rocket Ship

Around and Around

I hope you enjoyed my trip down memory lane as much as I did. From Thursday, we'll return to regular programming (i.e. landscape photography).