Jon Norris

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Visual Diary #2

Explore Landscapes #24

I'm back in the UK again and wanted to let you know that there won't be any posts for a few weeks - and why.

Sadly we had to say goodbye to my amazing Mum last week as she passed away following a sudden severe stroke. As soon as I heard the dreadful news I left for the UK, and fortunately, arrived in time to spend her last day together with her, my father, and my siblings.

It’s been an incredibly hard week, and today I decided to get outside, walk back to the AirBnB where I’m staying, and take some photos. This was a brief, but much needed distraction, and I thought I’d share the images with you.

Goodbye Mum … thanks for everything … I love you! x

Are you OK under there?

Langer Lane, Chesterfield

Hasn’t been let for years - despite all those eyes!

The Parish Church of Saints Augustine

No Fracking Way!

St. Mary and All Saints (yes, the steeple is twisted)

The 228-feet spire leans nine feet from the center thanks to the differential expansion of the 33 tonnes of lead fastened to the unseasoned timber structure

Alleyway to the AirBnB

Holy Trinity Church - the final resting place of George Stephenson, “Father of Railways”

I’m going to be taking at least the next few weeks off - but will be back here as soon as it feels right to be.

Thanks for your patience.

Bye for now,